Sunday, April 19, 2009

Here's this silly mosaic thing that my roomate did and I thought was cute. You type in certain words that describe you, i.e. the first one is your name, third is your favorite color, etc. and then you have to take a picture from the first page of the results. Here's mine!

New Beginnings

I know I've said this many a time before, but hopefully this time it will be true. I'm going to start writing on my blog! There are a couple of reasons. Mostly because lots of college friends are leaving and they want to hear what is going on in my life, so to appease them I will write. Also because I'm planning on going on another study abroad this summer (june 28) and friends and family will want to hear about everything, seeing as how I'm almost the only one who leaves the country. However, I think I should lay down some rules. I like to hear back from people who read my blog, so if there are not comments, it does not entice me to write anything. I don't really keep a journal because I don't think my life is too interesting, but I'm doing this for you guys, so I'm gonna need some feed back and encouragement. Also feel free to email me ( So here goes:

Its that time of year, yes, you know what I mean.....FINALS!!! I guess I only really have one final left, but I also have a project that needs to get done. Therefore, I'll have things to do until Wednesday. A guy in our ward is going to have a book burning bonfire that night. I think I'll go, not to burn books, thats like burning money, but as a symbolic gesture of finishing what has possibly been the worst semester of my college career. After this I only have about a week until Spring classes start up. Hopefully they won't be too bad because I'm more than ready for a break from school/life: the number one reason for going on a study abroad this summer. I'll be headed out to the good ol' UK for a month and a half and then my mother dearest is going to join me and we'll be meeting Isabel in Germany and Switzerland for another few weeks. I've already signed a contract for a new year here at the same apartment so I don't have to worry about moving and not having a place to stay like I did last semester. Brigitte, one of my current roomates, is also staying so thats a good thing. I love her to pieces. Our other roomate, Domanique, is getting hitched :( in May so she's already pretty much moved out. We'll miss her dearly. Other than those things life goes on as usual, and that means that I get little done during the week other than work and school. Hopefully I'll be getting a new camera soon as my current one has decided it has had it. Then maybe I can put up some pictures and things. Until later, all the best!