Friday, February 26, 2010

Some Decisions

So we've finally made a few decisions! We're going with Ciao Bella photography. We liked all of the photographers, but she was the only one available for our date. We also found out that Nathan got the job in Livermore during the summer so we're going to be living in California for the summer! I'm pretty excited. We've also decided that we're going to be having cupcakes instead of a cake. There is a new cupcake place that opened up down here in Provo and they have red velvet cupcakes which are delicious AND happen to coincide with our colors. I think it was fate. I also found my dress. I'm going to be renting it from a place called Gowns by Pamela. The lady was really fun and cute and I fell in love with the dress (and the price!). Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of me in it or anything, but it does actually look pretty similar to the pictured one a couple posts ago. Lets see, what else.... The temple date is all set. June 12, 2010 at 1:00. My mom also started working on some decorations for our reception and they look amazing already. I'll post some pictures when we have the design down. We're also looking for apartments to stay in for next fall, so if anyone has a good suggestion, please let us know. That's it for today!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


So.... We're trying to decide on a photographer for our wedding. Originally I thought I was going to have Amy Jo Sturzenegger do them for us, but she said that she wasn't going to be able to do the wedding photography. So the hunt began. I started out just looking for someone to cover the wedding, but that already was looking super pricey with the lowest rate around $500. Well I spent all of yesterday looking around the interwebs for photographers with some success. The websites/photographers that we've narrowed it down to were these:

Give them a look-see and let me know what you all think.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I haven't decided on a dress at all. I've only gone to one store to try dresses on to get an idea of what I like. However, this dress is the one that I think I liked the best. It looked good on me and I love the neckline, called Queen Anne. I'm going shopping tomorrow with the girls in the family so there'll be more pictures. This is just a preliminary suggestion. (

So, I'm getting married!

Yes, despite all posits to the contrary, I am getting married. His name is Nathan Perry and we're planning on getting married in the Salt Lake temple on June 12, 2010. I figured I should start now to get in the habit of posting things, and I also wanted to get some feedback on wedding decisions. I'm pretty sure anyone who was reading this blog now doesn't but well, hopefully someone still does. It's a good chronicle in any case.
So here are what we are thinking the colors will be:
Comments? Suggestions?