Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Maybe its just me, but I feel like starting this weekend there have been way too many frustrating things in my life. First of all, my roomie Susan is back from South Korea. This is a good thing because she's my friend but is also a bad thing. I was so grateful to have my own place and know that any messes I made or any state of my apartment is my own fault. I don't have to clean up after any other person and the messes they make. So practically 15 minutes after Susan and her sister set foot into the apartment it was a disaster. I ignored this because they have been gone for a while and are still unpacking. Now, three days later, the apartment is in the same, if not worse, shape. I can't take a step in the living room without stepping on something, be it shoe, purse, garbage, whatever. Both of the main garbage cans in the apartment were relatively empty and within the hour it seemed we had accrued two other bags full of garbage. This is somewhat my fault too, but they are still just sitting around and no one wants to take the initiative to actually walk like 20 steps to take the garbage out so we just try to stuff things into the can as far as we can. Like I said, I'm not doing anything either but I feel like its not my mess and I shouldn't have to clean up after it. Same goes for the rest of the house, not to mention the bathroom, in which I can only see about 1 square inch of counter top. Now, I just finished my time of the month and so some feminine products were sitting on the back of the toilet where they could be within reach. Apparently someone else was on theirs as well as the remainder of the package of my favorite product is now empty. I don't mind if you borrow or use some of my things every once in a while or if you are on the pot and forgot to bring something you can use one of mine. But there were at least 10 in there and those things are not inexpensive. I understand that we share a living space, but there are many things that are not shared. If you feel you need to use one of these items, PLEASE just ask. 9 times out of 10 I'd be happy to say, sure, use one, sure, have some cookies. Unfortunately this is not the case. Whatever, I'm just trying not to worry about it right now because I'm moving out this weekend and will have two new roommates coming to my new place. I just hope that I won't have any problems with them. I was lucky in getting Nichole and Susan that I got along with fairly well. I'm sure that Kristie and I, who will be living in the same complex, will be spending a lot more time with each other.
So, speaking of moving....I have to be out of my apartment by this weekend, the 23rd. However, the move-in date for my next apartment is not until the 29th. That is almost a week I have of not having a home. So I contacted my new residence and they put me on and "early move-in" list but gave me no guarantees. I talked to my dad about it and he said to talk to BYU to see if they have some sort of policy or procedure to help people in this situation. When I went in to talk to the off-campus housing people they told me basically there was nothing they could do about it. That I need to be more careful when I'm signing a contract. Well when I told my new apartment when I wanted to move in I said the 18th or there abouts. When I got my contract it said the 29th I guess, I should have paid more attention, but it was sent to me in the mail and I don't think the date would have been negotiable anyway. So I might be spending some time at Logan's house, with my stuff split up probably between his and Braden's places and maybe even salt lake.
I think there were four that I was going to talk about but I forgot one over the past little bit, so here's the last. I have been working at the same place now for a year. Generally its fine and really relaxed and stuff. Once again, maybe its just me, but I have been feeling like its been nit-picky and really boring and just I am sick of it. Same goes for school and Provo. I really would like to go on a vacation, but I don't have the time or money. Blah, whatever, I don't blame you if you haven't read this, it's just a bunch of whining, but I feel better writing it. Anywho, have a great day!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Haha Kelcy you're funny. I know exactly how you feel about the roommate stuff. It is always a battle. It will be nice living in the same complex this year- if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Like you I say yes 9 out of 10 times :)