Okay, so here goes. This week we went to go see Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens which is where the author met the family that gave him the inspiration to write Peter Pan. If you've seen Finding Neverland you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, it was great. Meg Ryan was there. I took this stalkerish photo of her. She was trying to keep a low profile so she was turning people away who asked for photos or autographs. I don't blame her. She was there with a little girl she adopted.
I also went to see Hamlet, the play. Guess who was in the lead? Jude Law! So we waited after the show was over and I got his autograph.
Later in the week we went to Madame Tussaud's and got photos with just about everyone else. Here I am with George Clooney:
And Hitler:
If you didn't know, Madame Tussaud's is a wax museum. Another boy on the trip and I got these passes to go to most of the attractions in London, and by that I mean like the big tourist trap places. We went to the wax museum, rode the London Eye, went to the London Dungeons and the SeaLife Aquarium. The Aquarium was my favorite I think, though they were all worth it. We also stopped into the this place called the Movieum - like movie museum - which was cool because they had original props from movies like Harry Potter and Star Wars as well as original sketches and animations from Disney movies and cartoons and the Simpsons. I could go on and on, but I was just so pround of myself getting Jude Law's autograph that I had to share and then I thought I'd go with a themed post. Missing you all!
Edgar Allan Poe used the acronym ODTAA (one damn thing after another) to describe his days. Maybe you could use one similar OADAA (one amazing day after another). I admit I get tierd of waiting for updates, but it does seem like your days are packed! I'm glad you're having fun. I'm still jealous. LUVS
Tiered - that's right. All folded up into layers. It's excruciating!
So freaking awesome! You're pretty much famous now- seeing all these famous people. Famous by association :) SO are you learning anything there!?!? ;)
Is that my shirt?? Haha office auctions. We checked your blog as an office the other day. And we were all pretty jealous that you are having so many fun adventures!
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