Thursday, January 25, 2007

School, I hate it

So I go to school here in España...I hate it, just like I hated school in Utah. At least here I have people to talk to. At west, I didn´t really have classes with people I knew. So, thing I can definately say is that I´ve never seen more mullets in my life! I guess it´s an acceptable style here because there are at least 20 people who have a mullet in my class. There are also more attractive boys....with a school so small, you wouldn´t expect too many. At west, there aren´t as many, and it´s quite the bigger school. The classes....they´re ok, I like art history and music history because, well, I like them. I also like geography just because it´s pretty easy. Their english class is kind of funny. The teacher pretty much wants me to be the teacher. She says things in Spanish and I say things in English. She asked me today if I would like to help teach the younger kids. I don´t mind especially because it probably means less homework for me because I would have to drop at least one of the classes I have now. I understand pretty much everything that the teachers say, unless I don´t know some words. My peers are a little bit harder to understand because they talk so fast, but they are really nice and repeat things for me if I didn´t understand the first time. Most of the people in my classes are really friendly and willing to help. I think they like me, but I don´t know if they´re really just interested in "the American girl". Either way, it´s nice for me....Tomorrow I think there is a party at a classmates house that´s not really FOR me, but Clara and I are going so that I can meet people and get to know people better. Dani, my brother, also wants to go on a bike ride this weekend. I don´t really know. I kind of want to go shopping this weekend because there are still the winter sales so everything will be at least a little cheaper. Their big store here is calls La Corte Inglés, like english court, I don´t know why. It gets a little better every day, though in classes during the morning I have a hard time keeping my eyes open unless I am writing or doing something other than just listening. People probably think that I don´t sleep at night or something. I want to put up a picture of the family, but during the week we´re hardly all here together, the parents don´t usually get home until about 8 or 9, sometimes later. Then we eat and go to bed pretty much. I´ll try to get one this weekend, as well as some of the apartment and whatever else I did. I hope you all are having fun, or at least are well. Love you all!


Hillary said...

Wow, it really sounds interesting there. What a great experience! Keep posting about your adventures. I love to read them. We are thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I'm glad that you are doing well. I've been thinking about you and all your adentures in Europa! I also hope that you meet some attractive boys over there so that you can introduce them to me!!!! Hehehe....just remember who you are! :-D Ha!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelcy! What a WONDERFUL opportunity you have to enjoy yourself and see another part of the world. Take in every sight, smell, color, view, and sound. It may take a few days to get over jet're probably over it by now. We are all thinking about you and love you...and...maybe...a bit jelous too! Take tons and tons of pictures. I want to see them ALL! CUL8R :0)