Friday, January 19, 2007

Well here I am in Spain! The flights were SO long and quite tedious, but I got here in mostly one piece. My bags actually got left behind somewhere, but they´re supposed to be sending them here....As long as I get them in one piece I´m ok with that. I got here and promptly slept for about 2 hours, and now I feel a lot better. The family is great! I understand pretty much what they´re saying, I just don´t usually say much in return because I don´t know how, or what to say. They live in a pretty small apartment and I share a room with Clara, but as long as I have a bed, I think I can handle it. Sure, I´m homesick, but you always want your own bed! It´ll be okay once I start getting into school and occupying myself with other things. I´ll try to put some pictures up pretty soon. I´m still tired, and my cable to connect the camara was in my luggage that I don´t have. Whomever is reading this, I love you and miss you! Write to me a lot! Talk to you later.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Buzz, I'm glad you made it safely, and that things seem to be pretty copasetic. I hope it stays that way for you. Like you said, get involved and you'll be OK. I miss you already. Sorry to hear about the bags. Hope it gets remedied soon. Luvs, Dad

P.S. I rimoooved mi preeevious coment cuz i ws tyring to tpye fats adn i mesd it up. eDatoreul cahnges olny.

Anonymous said...

I think you suck~!
Hehhee, just kidding Nizzle!
YAY for Spain and understanding what they're saying!!! I'm glad you are safe, i was thinking about you all yesterday, so i'm glad that i don't have to think anymore.
Well make sure you learn the tango before you get back, or else we might not be friends anymore!!

Hillary said...

We're glad you made it safely too, especially Leah. She wants to wish you the best in Spain. She asks about her aunt KElcy all the time. Glad that the family is nice. I really like the name Clara. I considered naming Leah that because my dad's mother is named Clara. Anyway, much love. We are thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.