Monday, February 19, 2007


Well, here we are, one month in and none the worse. It has gone by rather fast looking back on it, though it didn't seem to at the time. Well, this weekend we didn't do too much, on Friday we went to their grandparent's other apartment to have dinner with them, which was pretty boring for me, but what can you do...and on Saturday we went to a little restaurant in the "mountains" that was pretty nice, and as I was eating my fish, I mused that it's a good things none of my other siblings are here because I don't think they would eat too much. At least once a week we have some fish dish. On Sunday, after church, of course, I went with my representative, thinking my family was coming with me, but I guess not, to her apartment for lunch. One thing about her is that she never stops talking. Now, this can be a good thing because then you don't have to say much in return, but it can also give you a headache from trying to pay attention to her. It was nice, overall, and I met another girl who took a trip to London for 3 weeks in the summer. We got back to the apartment at about 6 and by that time I was pretty much tired of listening, especially to Spanish, so I kind of hid in my room and then got in the shower. Tomorrow some members of my class and I are heading off to some old roman ruins, or ruins of some kind, that are being excavated not far from here. Not only is that interesting, but we don't have to go to school either! On Wednesday Isabel comes, and I cannot wait! Also on Wednesday I'm helping to teach an English class about Valentines day. I don't know why the teacher chose to ask for my help on this specific lesson, as if I am an aficionado, but I'll gladly give it. She is kind of stubborn in her way of thinking, and if I say something is written incorrectly she usually takes the excuse that British english and American english are different. Rather than fight with her about it, which I did once, to no avail, I just nod my head and smile, and on my paper write it correctly. I don't know what exactly I'm going to be doing with Isi, but anything with her will be great, and we can explore downtown together. I'll let you know how that goes.
The parents here read my blog...I was kind of nervous, not that I say anything bad, but, well, I don't know. They just laughed and said it was funny, and that someone wrote a comment that they were barbarians for not having cookies. They also said I was a very good writer and took great picutres, but I can't vouch for that. You'll have to decide for yourselves. That's about it for today. Nothing too exciting happens here, at least during the week, so I'll write again on the weekend. Much love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go KELCIZZLE!!! MY NIzzlee!!! Woot Woot Woot, major krumper!!! Have your family read that, and try to explain the crazy ways of the americans!!! HAHAHAHHAAAA!!!