Wednesday, March 14, 2007

About two months

Isi and I
(sorry it's now rotated) "The Fallen Angel" aka Satan
One of the mosaics from the roman ruins we went to see.
Other tile patterning, all mosaic.
The one really standing part of the ruins, which was part of a basilica, which was used as a civil building for the romans.
Inside the Palacio Real of Madrid (royal palace).
My favorite fountain here, Neptune.

Well, I can't really say that I did much this weekend except get sick, and then try and get better. Yesterday was Dani's birthday, so we went out to eat for dinner, and I went to the grocery store nearby to buy him just some chocolates because I didn't know what else to get for him. Well, when I tried to pay all 9 dollars of it, in US dollars, my card wouldn't go through, so I asked them where an ATM was, and all they could tell me was go up....VERY helpful. Well I started looking around when dad calls me and tells me that WAMU called him about suspicious transactions on my card, even though I had already told them that I'd be in Spain for the next three months. So dad told them it was ok and I went back to the store to have them run my card again but the shift manager or whoever it was, was very insistent that they couldn't try it again. Well I asked again if they could be more specific as to where I might find an ATM and they were like, ask someone else. So I asked this guy outside the store and it turns out that it wasn't so close. Well it was my first time really out of bed since I was sick, so I was really tired, and hot, and blah, but I ended up getting Dani his chocolate. Thats the only story I have, but dad insists that I put up pictures so here are some. Or rather, they got put at the front when I uploaded them, so there they are!


Grandma said...

Yours and Isabels hair just blend into each other. Isabel looks very 'fresh' and happy. I liked all the pictures. Can you imageing having the job of putting all the little tiles in place!! hope you're feeling better. Mom

Logan said...

You look just as cute as ever. Can't wait to give you a hug again.

Anonymous said...

Buzzah! I loved the ceiling in the palacio! Simply gorgeous. Thanks for the photos. I know it's not easy to get them up. I still can't believe how much Isi looks like she should have been born into our family. I'm glad you two got a chance to get together for a few days. Hard to believe you're 2/3 of the way through your adventure. I actually talked to JACK POWER yesterday. He and Bonnie are both OK with your trip to Moni's. He couldn't offer any useful info about insurance for the phone though. This is beginning to become a regular e-mail rather than a comment. Oh well. I hope you're feeling better by now. I love you!

Unknown said...

Wah wah wee wah, verrry niiiiice! How muuuuch?