Thursday, March 29, 2007


Well, I thought I'd just write a little update. Not much has happened lately, just life as usual. Last weekend, on a kind of last minute decision, we went to El Escorial, which, though I'd never heard of it, is actually quite famous, at least in Europe. It is pretty much THE renaissance work in Spain. Phillip II was a quiet king, devoted to the church, and decided to have this monastery/palace built for him. It was built by Herrera, the nickname of the spanish style of the era is Herriano, and when it was being built, the king sent for artists from around the world to come decorate it for him. I believe most of the frescoes and artwork was realized by Italian artists. When Phillip made the palace, he placed it so that his bedroom opened pretty much right into the cathedral, so that when he got old and couldn't get out of bed, he was able to hear the sermons through his door. Well, I took a few pictures, we were kind of in a hurry because we had some other things to do that day, which is too bad, but I'll get them up when I have time. I'm sure you can check it out online if you're really interested. Other than that school goes on as normal. Today was the last day before semana santa, their equivalent to spring break. Clara is leaving early tomorrow morning to fly with her "scout" group to France and the Alps, and on Saturday the rest of us are going down to Cadiz, which everyone says is beautiful and I'm sure it is. It is pretty much on the southern tip of Spain, near the Strait of Gibralter, I think, so the weather will be nice. I think at least three times a day for the past few Oscar has been saying the title of this entry, nos vamos a la playa, which means we're going to the beach. I don't think he's excited in the least to get away from his work for a while. Pretty much the whole world stops here for semana santa, at least everyone has it off work or school. I hope everything will go well, and if it doesn't, I can always read. I started one of the books mom sent me three days ago, Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead, which is about 800 pages, and I'm about halfway through. I think I might have a serious problem. Just ask Lena. Well, until I get back, I don't know if I'll have time to tell you about my trip, so until then listen to conference this weekend. I'll be trying to get it in Cadiz, who knows what my family will say about it, but I think they'll understand seeing as this is quite a religious time for them as well. I don't know exactly when spring break is back at home, but I hope you all take this weekend to rest and spend some time with family. I love you all!

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