Sunday, April 8, 2007

Too Soon......

Well, here we are, in April already! I realized that this is my last weekend with the family, because next weekend I'm going to Bilbao to visit Monica, and the 18th I'm at home! Some time went slow, but mostly it has flown and I've become attached. I won't have a little brother I can bug and get away with it at home. As much as I miss home, it does get easier to stay away. Sure, there are pangs, but you develop other relationships too. Well, enough of that. Last weekend we went to the beach, a small town near Cadiz called Roche. There were the most beautiful beaches! We started out by just sticking in our feet, but ended up with wet legs, except Dani, who ended up just going swimming with his clothes on. I should have gone swimming that day, but I didn't. I got a couple other opportunities to go to the beach, but one day it rained, and the other, right after rain, the water would have been too cold. I stuck my feet in, but that's all. I stayed at the "country home" with my representative while the family stayed in a beachside hotel nearby. It was kind of nice because it was secluded, but it was certainly cold at night. I had two comforters and slept with socks and a jacket on. We stopped on the way there in Sevilla and on the way back in Córdoba and I have many pictures, but too many to put up and I haven't transferred them, so you may just have to wait until either I can get them up or until I get home. Tomorrow we don't have school and then it's a normal week until Friday when I leave pretty early on a 5 hour bus ride to Bilbao. I'll come back Sunday and then I'll have Monday here, and I don't know if its true, but because the flight home on the 18th is early people said that we spend a night in a hotel (all the exchange students that is) and then go home, and if that's the case I'll see the last of my family on the 17th. That sounds so horrible! We had a goodbye kind of dinner today with Teresa's brother's family and then watched a movie together. I realized that I really didn't have any pictures of the family so I took some today and have got to start snapping like mad! Also, when I come back that just means more responsibilities, I have to get on with life. I've got to go back to actual school for a little bit and find somewhere to work to save up money for college. Moving on is kind of depressing. Maybe just because I'm a worry wart about the future. It scares me. Well, not to end on a depressing note, the family has figured out that I'm not ticklish and Oscar decided that he'd try to find some but he hasn't tried very hard. I hope you're all well, and I'll see you soon enough. (I was about to write too soon, because I kind of want to stay longer, but then I realized that sounds like I don't want to see people, which isn't true. ) Anyway, cheerio!

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