Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Countdown Begins

So, I know I said I'd start writing here and haven't. Lets see... its been two months almost? Well I figure I'd have to force myself to get in the habit of writing so that I don't forget when I'm actually abroad. The countdown has begun! Only two more weeks of school and then one week of prep and packing. I'm leaving on the 26th of June. 24 days! I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it. It makes my life now, school and work, that much harder to do everyday. However, I do have things to do as school is winding down because I'll be "taking classes" while I'm in the UK. I'm going to get credit for two Linguistics classes while I'm there, so I'm having to do some preparation and research while I'm still here so that I won't have to do so much there. I have to finish reading two books, one of which has a study guide to do as well, and then write a research paper with another girl who is also going on the study abroad. Shouldn't be too hard, but it just takes time. I also should be working on my online class (Modern English Usage) because I need to have it done before fall starts. Once again, its not hard, but its just a matter of time. Generally I have quite a bit of free time when I get home from class, about 6, but I then spend it doing homework for current classes and at that point am fed up with school and want to sit around or hang out with friends. I just need to whip my butt into shape. I do usually have a lot of time at work, since there isn't much to do this time of year, and as a result I've brought one of the books I need to finish and have been reading it. However, the book isn't the most interesting thing in the world, so I can't just read it straight through like I might for any other.
Enough about that.....
I recently became and aunt again! My brother Braden, or rather his wife Haley, just gave birth to a BEAUTIFUL baby girl which they named Sophia Ann Molyneux. She has a ton of black hair and as far as I have seen is just a quiet little baby, content to sleep and be cuddled. For pictures you can check my brother Logan's blog or Braden's facebook page. My sister also gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Gracie Jen, whom she is giving up for adoption. The pictures I've seen so far look great. The baby was stuck in the birth canal for a while because her head was twisted wrong, so she had pressure marks on her face yesterday, but they'll clear up. She has a big head, very chubby, and my mom says it reminds her of when I was born, because I was a very large baby.
Other than that, I can't report much else than everyone is getting married it seems. Domanique tied the knot last week, a co-worker did last week as well, and another co-worker will at the end of the month. Brigitte (my roommate) and I are planning on adopting a pair of mice because we are both feeling quite pet deprived but do not have space for any other animal. I've also recently come the decision that I need to decorate our apartment. It really is quite sparce. So I'll be hitting the craft store maybe to get some ideas. Just another thing that I need time for. I probably should put it off because I need to do other things first, but they aren't as interesting.
All in all, I just can't wait to leave Provo!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will do my best to fulfill my commentary obligation to your posts. I am excited for your trip, and know you will make the best of it. Don't let yourself get down because of all the excitement whirling around you with babies and weddings. Your time will come, and, like you, it will be beautiful! LUVS