Saturday, July 11, 2009

498 . . .499 . . . 500 . . . 501 . . .

I think I never want to see another stair in my life. Today was a lazy morning and I did some planning to see when we could do what in order to get all the required and elective sites for my classes done. I knew I wanted to get out at some point, so my roomie and I decided we'd go to St. Paul's Cathedral. It is one of the most beautiful places I've seen. The decorations and sculpture and architecture are all superb. As I was walking through the cathedral I saw a sign for a walk up to the dome/tower thing. Just outside of the steps was a warning the for people who have health conditions or whatever shouldn't do this. That should have been my warning. The first walk up to what they call the whispering gallery, inside the dome, wasn't so bad, but my heart was pounding by the time I got there. Of course I decided to continue, even with seeing the sign that said there were roughly 150 steps on the way up to the next stop. I thought, meh, 150 is not so bad. Well, it's not.....if you're trained to run a marathon. After that there were only 150 more steps and I figured that if I'd made it up this far already, I might as well go all the way. So I did. It was worth it. Coming back down may have been worse because it makes you dizzy, always rotating and having to look at your feet. So I tried to look up instead of down most of the time, but my legs felt like jelly by the time I made it all the way to the bottom. I started fanning myself while finishing looking around and people were looking at me strangely, but I didn't really care because I was burning up. Picture from the top of the tower included:

After that we went to the Tate Modern museum. There were some really interesting pieces, but also really good ones. They had an original cast of Rodin's The Kiss, and many other famous pieces that I enjoyed seeing. Others were just really wierd and there were actually quite a few that included nudity. But it was good in any case. I just don't know that I ever want to see a stair again.


Anonymous said...

You might have some sense of how I felt after my hike up and down Angel's Landing. I could barely walk the next day!

Domanique said...

Way to go Kelc a roo! I think I would have stopped and sat on the stairs to catch my breath. haha Actually in the statue of liberty i tried to and derek pulled me up the rest of the way ;) I am so proud you are having so much fun. ps I still haven't gotten my stuff... love you! I should get skype so we can talk