Saturday, February 10, 2007

Culinary Delights

I have come to feel that my purpose here is not so much of the learning kind as of the teaching kind. Disclaimer:If you are faint of stomach or just in general, you may stop reading here. Viewer discretion is advised. I have lately learned that, not only has this family not had pancakes, but Teresa, let alone the others, who is around moms age, has NEVER MADE COOKIES!!!!! I don´t know what evil spirit has been residing in this apartment before I came, but it was soon banished with a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Although they were not, to my cuilinaily experienced cookie tasting abilities, very good, the family enjoyed them with the saying Muy Rico! being heard all around. I will try again next week because Dani has a kind of fundraiser bake sale thing, and we´ll see if they don´t turn out a little better than the last ones. I also have a commitment to make pancakes and banana bread.
Other than that, life has been normal here. This week I struck out on my own for the first time. I took the metro, through three lines, to find the temple, and upon doing so inquired as to when might be the best time to come for baptizms. I was shocked to learn that they only have one planned session a week! I was thinking like one a day, but, well, I guess there aren´t as many active youth as I thought. I was going to go see another building, but by the time I got off at the stop it was alreay getting dark, and I didn´t want to go wandering off in unknown territory by myself at night. So I got back on the metro. At one stop two performers came on and sang to us. It was quite entertaining and made me laugh. When I got on the line to come home, a strange black man kept staring at me the whole time. We ended up getting off at the same time and he came over to try to talk to me, but I had my headphones in and just pretended that I couldn´t hear him and kept walking. I´ll have to keep my player nearby for future uses. Today, I believe, we are going to a region called Segovia, which I hear is very beautiful. It has an old Roman aquaduct and old buildings as well as ruins of a castle I believe. I have been reading a lot lately, though that is hardly something new, to pass the time and have found it quite enjoyable, except for the fact that it is in English, and invariably if someone tries to talk to me while I´m reading I end up replying in English. Everyone at school tells me I should be reading in Spanish. I guess I might, but I don´t like to be reading more than one book at the same time, so we´ll have to wait until tomorrow to start another. wink wink Lena. Well I hope I find you all well, and thank for the comments, keep them coming. It gives me something to look forward to when I get home form school. Much love to all friends and family reading from home!


Anonymous said...

THEY HAVE NEVER HAD COOKIES?!?!?! What kind of strange foreign place did we send you too!? =)
I am totally joking, but I am glad you could introduce them to the world of Kelcy Molyneux Chocolate Chip cookies!

Logan said...

I hope you liked my last comment, because this one will not be as good. I made banana bread with frosting for the Brazilians and they all said it was too sweet. Then they asked for the recipe. Hmmmm. I'm glad you learned train etiquette: If somebody's looking at you, talking to you, touching you, whatever, pretend they don't exist. If they ask you questions (except things like, "What time is it?") don't answer. Look straight ahead. This is my strategy and has gotten me through many a strange encounter on the Chicago El train. The end.

Hillary said...

I'm glad you introduced them to cookies. They need to be brought out of their sheltered life;) I'm glad you are being safe on the train, but having fun. I'm jealous you get to see all those amazing, ancient structures. We are thinking of you.