Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Yes, I did finally get a picture up of my family. From left to right it´s Oscar, Teresa, Clara, and Dani(el). Aren´t they just cute? Well everything is going pretty well here. We haven´t had school for the past couple days so that was nice, but then I had to walk to school by myself today. It was ok, just a little scary being out in a city not really knowing exactly where I am. So this weekend was pretty good. On Saturday I went with Clara to her friends house, Violeta, in Somos Aguas, aka we are waters, which is the "rich" part of town. Their apartment was more like a condo, but a really nice one with wood floor and luxurious furniture and painting, and all that jazz. They had a pool table, though I didn´t play any because I was too busy with this game called Singstar, which is like karaoke and DDR put together. You sing into a microphone and you are judged on pitch, length of notes, etc. It can´t tell if you´re really singing the words though.
I decided I love English. Dani, Rosmeri(the maid/nanny person) and I went to a park kind of place to play soccer and when I asked Dani what the word for to kick was, he told me tirar, which is the same verb for to throw, to pull, among other things. I can´t imagine not having a specific word for kick. If I told you I threw the ball, you would assume that I meant with my hand, not my foot. There are such intricacies and subtlties of words, and that´s what I love about it. I was correcting papers today that students turned in about what they think the future would be like. It was funny most of the time. Most people got tenses mixed up and they put a lot of thes in front of words like the life in the future. That reminds me of another thing Pluralizing nouns like life to lives as well as double consonants as in disappearing. In spanish you don´t really have double consonants, you only use one.
Well enough of that, you are probably bored already. My spanish teacher here told me that I don´t have to do what they are doing in class if I don´t want to, I can just write my opinions and impressions of Spain because she is " really interested in hearing them." Works for me. I just have to write some things like I write in here, but in Spanish and I´m home free!
I was talking with Oscat a little bit the other day and he said if I liked, we could make some plans for things for me to see after school. Well of course there are the museums, but there is also great architecture and many other things that I´m sure I would like to see. I also might take a week off and go to Bilbao to visit Monica, if things turn out right. Isabel said she´ll be here from the 21 to the 27, so I´m way excited for that. I haven´t seen my sister in 2 years, or at least one...Well, I think that´s pretty much all I have to say for today. I´ve been writing emails and thus have run out of things to say. I´ll try to get some more pictures and things up soon. Miss you and love you all!


Anonymous said...

hey nizzle! sounds like you are krumping it up out there in Spainland. Love you lots!!

Anonymous said...

oh my the fam is wayyy cuute!!! i love seems like your life is sooo different now like something from a movie. i miss your face, me!