Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Time Flies
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Too Soon......
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
About two months
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Time passes...
After Isi left, I've been pretty much doing nothing, relaxing at home. I do get bored, so I decided to check out what classes the cultural center has. They have painting and ballroom dancing which I would like to do, but I just have to figure out if they cost anything and if I need supplies. Well, I don't have school for the next two days (exam time for the real school people) so I'll give them a call. I hope everything with you all in SLC is fine. I hear you've been having snow, which is a pity because the weather here for the past few days has just been gorgeous. Well, enjoy yourselves and life. Much love to everyone.
Monday, February 19, 2007
The parents here read my blog...I was kind of nervous, not that I say anything bad, but, well, I don't know. They just laughed and said it was funny, and that someone wrote a comment that they were barbarians for not having cookies. They also said I was a very good writer and took great picutres, but I can't vouch for that. You'll have to decide for yourselves. That's about it for today. Nothing too exciting happens here, at least during the week, so I'll write again on the weekend. Much love!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Culinary Delights
Other than that, life has been normal here. This week I struck out on my own for the first time. I took the metro, through three lines, to find the temple, and upon doing so inquired as to when might be the best time to come for baptizms. I was shocked to learn that they only have one planned session a week! I was thinking like one a day, but, well, I guess there aren´t as many active youth as I thought. I was going to go see another building, but by the time I got off at the stop it was alreay getting dark, and I didn´t want to go wandering off in unknown territory by myself at night. So I got back on the metro. At one stop two performers came on and sang to us. It was quite entertaining and made me laugh. When I got on the line to come home, a strange black man kept staring at me the whole time. We ended up getting off at the same time and he came over to try to talk to me, but I had my headphones in and just pretended that I couldn´t hear him and kept walking. I´ll have to keep my player nearby for future uses. Today, I believe, we are going to a region called Segovia, which I hear is very beautiful. It has an old Roman aquaduct and old buildings as well as ruins of a castle I believe. I have been reading a lot lately, though that is hardly something new, to pass the time and have found it quite enjoyable, except for the fact that it is in English, and invariably if someone tries to talk to me while I´m reading I end up replying in English. Everyone at school tells me I should be reading in Spanish. I guess I might, but I don´t like to be reading more than one book at the same time, so we´ll have to wait until tomorrow to start another. wink wink Lena. Well I hope I find you all well, and thank for the comments, keep them coming. It gives me something to look forward to when I get home form school. Much love to all friends and family reading from home!
Monday, February 5, 2007
And no, I didn´t just do these three sides and turn them to the camera. Other than that, life here in Spain goes on as normal. This weekend, we didn´t really do much. We went to see a movie Saturday night, which was kind of wierd. I understood almost everything, but mostly because it was accompanied my a picture. One thing that irks me is that the movies are dubbed in Spanish, so their mouths don´t match the words. I don´t know why, but when the sound doesn´t match what I see it is very irritating. On Sunday, after church, we went to Oscar´s parents house in a little town outside of Toledo, about a half hour from here. They were very nice and we played mus, pronounced moose, a popular card game with grandpa. Today, it was back to the old daily grind. Today was very boring because I have Art History twice and the teacher was sick, as well as Philosophy, in which I went to the English class for a second time because I don´t go. Speaking of English, I have been correcting a few of the essays, more like short answers, that the students turn in. They are overall, pretty good, but sometimes you get some good things. One that particularly tickled my funny bone was at the end of the persons paper, wanting to say to sum up, wrote to shump up. I was laughing about that one for a while. Writing it makes me giggle. She asked me what shump meant, becuase I was laughing really hard, and I told her nothing. I think she thought it was the wrong context or something like that. I hope soon to start my adventures after school. Today I got a map of the merto lines with prominent architecture you might find at each stop. There are other things I want to see, but we can start with that, and then you can see some of the splendor here.
I think my family here might think I´m aneorexic or something because they are always saying that I don´t eat enough. I eat what I normally do in the US. I just don´t like the idea of eating at 10 or 11, becuase I just go to bed after that, and when you don´t use the food you just ate, you ladies know where it goes. The toilet! Just kidding. I told Teresa that, but she didn´t really say anything, so I don´t know what she thinks. She pretty much makes me drink milk every morning, though I heap on the chocolate milk mix. I think that´s all I have to say for now.
Aside: Lena! If you are reading this, as I believe you will be, check your email. I sent you an email but it´s been a while and you haven´t written back. I´d like to hear from you, you bumoli! I miss you!